Citizens of Soil

Join the
Olive Oil Club


Citizens of Soils' mission is to foster a greener, more sustainable future by utilising innovative technologies and eco-conscious practices to restore biodiversity in olive oil production.

Subscriber Growth

With a growth strategy that combines thoughtful UX design, impactful development updates and targeted marketing activity, we have increased the subscriber base by 307% within 9 months. This was fast tracked in the last 4 months by scaling paid media.

SKU Swap & landing page development

Employing a SKU swap mechanic was a key growth accelerator, solving a problem for users who wanted to shop a bottle of oil, and continue with a pouch subscription thereafter.

Alongside this functionality, the Design, Development and Growth teams synchronised to build custom landing pages to boost the conversion rate through paid Meta and PPC advertising.


Developing a better user journey

Tribe were tasked with design and development to increase subscription volumes, increasing average order values and simplifying the purchasing journey.

Decreasing Meta CPA by 180%

Driven by SKU swapping, campaign-led landing pages and re-branded subscription, The Olive Oil Club, paid media was able to meet and succeed CPA targets. We drove the Meta CPA down by 128% in the first month. By the time we reached month 4, the CPA was 180% less.

Long tail keywords decrease CPA by 48%

We lowered the PPC CPA by 48% after the first month by focusing on mid/long-tail keywords, tapping into niche opportunities. This market knows exactly what they’re looking for - whether that’s Olive Oils packed with Polyphenols or EVOOs that speak to a specific provenance.

The overall conversion rate increased by 15%, giving us the opportunity to scale our budget moving forwards across all channels.